
Office TechnologyGreensboro, NC

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Advanced Dental Technology for Precise, Comfortable Care

Learn about the advanced technology available at Dental Center of the Carolinas

At Dental Center of the Carolinas, we are committed to your total comfort and relaxation and are proud to offer cutting-edge, advanced dental technology to our patients. We feature the latest in materials and procedures, and we have made it our mission to make outstanding dental care available to as many people as possible by making it affordable and efficient. The practice also meets and surpasses all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and CDC (Centers for Disease Control) standards to ensure total patient safety.

i-CAT™ Cone Beam 3D Imaging

At Dental Center of the Carolinas, our i-Cat 3D Cone Beam, otherwise known as our 3D x-ray, allows us the flexibility to complete a comprehensive scan of your entire mouth. Two dimensional x-rays only show images of your individual teeth, while 3D x-rays enable a more thorough and complete navigation and diagnosis of many other head and neck conditions not seen with traditional 2D x-ray films.

What are the benefits to having a 3D X-Ray?

3D x-rays provide our team a more comprehensive view of your entire mouth which helps us locate issues that aren’t always identifiable in a 2D image. We in turn are able to coordinate treatment planning and dental services to our patients in more depth and can explain treatments with greater clarity and accuracy. Other benefits include:

  • Lower radiation dose (less than a full mouth series of intraoral film)
  • A quick comprehensive scan of the complete oral-maxillofacial area (14 seconds)
  • Immediate virtual diagnosis and treatment planning in one visit
  • More certainty during surgery
  • Easy sharing of images and diagnostic information

CEREC® Single-Visit Restorations

With our CEREC technology, we can take a digital impression of your mouth, digitally design your restoration, mill your new ceramic crown and place the crown in one sitting, rather than having to send your physical impressions out to a lab to make your crown. Our tooth-colored restorations are metal-free, long-lasting and extremely durable. With our same-day crowns service, there is no temporary crown involved and you can leave our office the same day with your permanent crown and tooth.

3Shape Intraoral Scanner

We've taken the next step in the progression of delivering crowns and straightening teeth in the quickest, most advanced way possible. Our new 3Shape video scanner now eliminates the need to take impressions (molds) in most cases. This intraoral scanner literally takes a video scan of your mouth, providing highly accurate virtual impressions. The benefit is that we no longer need to put goopy stuff in our patients' mouths, often causing a gag reflex, to get these impressions. This scanner improves the patient experience while at the same time increasing the quality of the impressions we use for Same-Day-Crowns and SuperFast Invisalign services.

LANAP Laser Gum Therapy

In the past, severe case of gum disease (aka periodontitis) have been corrected with the primitive and inexact cut & stitch surgery. While the cut & stitch method has proven effective to a degree, it is a daunting prospect for patients because of the severe pain and lengthy recovery that follow the procedure. LANAP™ (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is an advanced technique used by Dr. Kelly to treat gum disease and save teeth that were previously considered hopeless. LANAP™ has proven more effective at treating gum disease and, additionally, it inflicts minimal pain so patients are able to recover in days rather than weeks or even months. During the procedure, a specialized laser light is used to gently remove harmful bacteria and diseased tissue from the gum pocket. This laser technology treats gum disease in such a way that the body can regenerate lost bone, allowing the gum pockets to improve so teeth become more stable.

Kovanaze Nasal Spray

We now offer Kovanaze, a nasal spray that enables us to numb upper front teeth without injections. Injections in this region of the mouth are often challenging and uncomfortable. Now, thanks to Kovanaze, patients at Dental Center of the Carolinas can simply inhale a mist and be sufficiently numb for treatment. We strive to provide a uniquely comfortable experience, and Kovanaze will help us achieve that goal.

Contact Us

Dental Center of the Carolinas is located at 5509B W Friendly Ave Ste 200 Greensboro, NC 27410.

(336) 738-3953